Chair recruitment

Tenure tracks
This year, the CNRS is opening 53 tenure tracks with an "entry package", giving tenure in the corps of research directors at the end of the contract. These 53 tenure tracks correspond to 43 new tenure tracks open for the first time in 2024, supplemented by 10 tenure tracks open in previous years but which the CNRS had decided not to fill, due to a lack of applications judged sufficiently convincing by the juries. Applications are open from February 14, 2024 to March 20, 2024, 23:59 Paris time.
The CNRS is recruiting 53 tenure-tracks positions across multiple scientific fields ranging from sustainable metallurgy to artificial intelligence, open science, and the Earth’s habitability.
This contract provides a dedicated financial environment upon joining the CNRS, and includes teaching activities in a higher education institution. These positions are offered on fixed-term contracts (CDD) under public law for a duration of 3 to 6 years. Following evaluation of scientific value and professional aptitude by a tenure commission, tenure will be granted as a CNRS Senior Researcher.
The list of 53 Tenure tracks
The CNRS opens a tenure track position for a high-quality chemist with a minimum of five years of experience after the thesis. The successful candidate will conduct world-class research in the field of astrochemistry, on the physico-chemical processes of formation of molecules in astrophysical environments or in solar system objects, and will provide teaching activities of 45 hours per year related to this domain.
The CNRS opens a tenure track position for a high-quality chemist with a minimum of five years of experience after the thesis. The successful candidate will conduct international-level research in a stimulating environment aimed at designing and implementing new processes for capturing and/or transforming small molecules (CO2, N2, etc.), in order to valorize them in a framework for energy sobriety and the protection of rare resources, and will provide teaching activities of 45 hours per year related to this domain.
Do you want to become a Research Director at the CNRS before 2030 in the field of polymer synthesis assisted by artificial intelligence? This call is made for you.
The CNRS opens a tenure track position for a high-quality chemist with a minimum of five years of experience after the thesis. The successful candidate will conduct world-class research in the fields of micrometer-scale optical cavity reactivity (polaritonics), photoredox catalysis, electrosynthesis and continuous flow synthesis, in particular, for the synthesis of tomorrow's molecules. The successful candidate will teach 45 hours a year in this field.
The CNRS opens a tenure track position for a high-quality chemist with a minimum of five years of experience after the thesis. The successful candidate will conduct research at the highest international level in physical organic chemistry in a stimulating environment and will provide teaching activities of 45 hours per year related to this domain.
The CNRS opens a tenure track position for a high-quality chemist with a minimum of five years of experience after the thesis. The successful candidate will conduct research at the highest international level in a stimulating environment on the study of size or confinement effect for nanochemistry or nanoelectrochemistry and will provide teaching activities of 45 hours per year related to this domain.
The CNRS opens a tenure track position for a high-quality chemist with a minimum of five years of experience after the thesis. The successful candidate will show a double valence and will conduct research at the highest international level in chemobiology or biological chemistry of nucleic acids and in the regulation of RNA expression, translation or stability in eukaryotes, prokaryotes or viruses. The successful candidate will teach 45 hours a year in this field.
Ecology and Environment
The field of current research in tropical ecology is extremely vast in French Guiana, from the coast to the forest, and local stakeholders are very keen to acquire knowledge for public decisions. The recruitment of an ecologist to this tenure track position is expected to reinforce the most recent developments in this field, and to contribute to existing teaching programs or to the creation of new ones with the University of Guyana for a total of 45 hours per year in this field.
The CNRS opens a tenure track position to raise its international profile in the field of biological records of global change. The high-level candidate to be recruited will conduct his/her research in a stimulating multidisciplinary ecosystem in the field of environmental sciences. He or she will teach 45 hours a year in this field.
The way selection has shaped the anatomy and physiology of organisms has many inspiring properties in terms of sophistication of existing systems, from the resistance or mecanic properties of materials to detection systems. Only interdisciplinary approaches, merging biological sciences of evolution and engineering, will lead to large-scale innovations. The present call of tenure track seeks for candidates interested in developping a research project in line with one of the following themes: genesis of metabolizable biomaterials for bone reconstruction, bioinspired technologies based on the flight and sensory capacities of insects or biomechanics of living organisms. The position includes a teaching task, linked to the research theme, that will be coordinated locally with the host team.
The CNRS opens a tenure track position for a high-quality mathematician. The successful candidate will conduct research at the highest international level in algebraic geometry in a stimulating environment and will provide teaching activities of 45 hours per year related to this domain.
The CNRS opens a tenure track position for a high-quality mathematician. The successful candidate will conduct research at the highest international level in the analysis of partial differential equations in a stimulating environment and will provide teaching activities of 45 hours per year related to this domain.
The CNRS is recruiting a researcher working at the intersection of human and social sciences and mathematics. His/her profile reflects the CNRS's desire to propose a set of inter-institute CPJ proposals, in line with its priority dedicated to interdisciplinarity. This profile is designed to bring together mathematics and the humanities and social sciences to address a major issue in ancient and contemporary societies.
The last decade has witnessed significant progress in the precise control of light, matter and their interaction. This led to the development of experimental facilities with exceptional sensitivity and accuracy, particularly in the field of quantum sensors using cold atoms and molecules or trapped ions. These developments have opened up ambitious prospects for testing the Standard Model, measuring fundamental physical constants, searching for signatures of dark matter or detecting gravitational waves in a spectral range inaccessible to optical interferometers. The CNRS recruits a high-level experimental physicist to reinforce one of the following areas: the first concerns high-precision measurements exploiting quantum control of trapped ions or cold molecules. The second aims to push the limits of quantum sensor networks by leveraging the MIGA antenna, a network of atomic interferometers currently under construction at the Rustrel low-noise underground laboratory (LSBB).
Quantum information is a recent field in full development around the world, with many possible applications. Some of the possible implementations of this field are related to condensed matter, such as the various qubits constructed from superconducting Josephson junctions. In parallel, the tools and concepts of quantum information have irrigated theoretical condensed matter, leading to new perspectives and new theoretical tools, such as the study of topological states, the use of quantum entanglement to describe phase transitions, or new numerical simulation methods. The tenure-track position aims to support these developments, by recruiting a researcher in theoretical physics working at this interface, either by studying condensed matter implementations of quantum information subjects, or by using quantum information tools and concepts in condensed matter, analytically or numerically.
Artificial intelligence has experienced enormous developments in the recent past around the world, with applications in many areas of science and industry. In recent years, machine learning and neural network methods have developed increasingly important links with statistical physics. The CNRS tenure-track position aims to support this interface, by recruiting a researcher developing sophisticated artificial intelligence techniques to solve statistical physics problems, or using tools from statistical physics to better understand and improve machine learning algorithms.
The CNRS opens the MATEM tenure track position to attract a talent to one of the four possible host laboratories that have recently acquired a state-of-the-art electron microscopy equipment. The research project will make full use of the functionalities of these instruments, with the dual aim of advancing knowledge, the primary mission of the CNRS, and contributing to the emergence of innovative materials, sources of new application concepts.
The CNRS opens a tenure track position for the study of physical and mechanical phenomena in the field of human health. This Chair aims to achieve an advanced understanding of the role of mechanical forces of all kinds in biophysical processes, both to enhance knowledge in the field of human health and for applications in understanding the development of pathologies for treatment purposes. The research carried out within this framework will be linked to hospital practitioners, and will be conducted using a wide range of methods, from experimentation to theory, modelling and simulation.
Nuclear and particle physics
The Higgs boson plays a major role in understanding the links between the infinitely small, the so-called elementary particles, and the infinitely large, the origin and evolution of the Universe. To make progress on these questions, the determination of the Higgs boson's self-coupling and the search for physics beyond the Standard Model are key topics. The tenure track will be dedicated to this research in the Atlas experiment at Cern's LHC, contributing also to the construction of the ITK pixel trajectograph for the High Luminosity phase of the LHC and to the preparation of FCC-ee physics and the necessary detector R&D.
The physics of the atomic nucleus plays an essential role in the study of nuclear reactor operation. Neutron-induced nuclear reactions provide the nuclear data needed to better understand and predict reactor operation. The recent commissioning of the Neutrons for Science facility at GANIL opens up new possibilities for the study of neutron-induced nuclear processes, and for high-precision measurements of neutron-induced reaction cross sections. The tenure track project will focus on NFS measurement campaigns, data analysis and instrument development.
Following the success of the Planck satellite, the current challenge is to detect the polarization B-modes of the CMB, a unique signature of the inflationary period in the primordial universe. Projects to measure the polarization anisotropies of the CMB on the ground, Simons Observatory and CMB-S4, and to prepare for future space missions aimed at measuring the spectral distortions of the CMB are at the heart of the tenure track, whose perimeter extends from contributions to the construction of instruments using the "KIDS" detectors to the exploitation and analysis of the data.
Biological sciences
Unique opportunity to develop ambitious projects on insect-borne pathogens thanks to a state of the BSL3 inscetarium.
CNRS recruits a tenure track to shed light on the contribution of giant viruses to the evolution of the cellular world.
Understanding how cellular and developmental mechanisms evolve, using marine animals.
Understanding how motor and sensory skills are acquired and how executive and cognitive functions are developed in children are strategic challenges to which the CNRS is responding by opening a tenure track
The CNRS is strengthening its research in the strategic area of education issues with a tenure track on educational inequalities due to individual vulnerabilities of biological origin.
CNRS is recruiting a tenure track to enhance its international visibility in the extremely strategic and fast-growing thematic field of microbiota and pathophysiology/health on the CNRS Orleans campus in association with a national infrastructure for animal model production.
The CNRS is recruiting an outstanding young scientist to develop a research project to study the role of chemical modifications of RNA in eukaryotes.
A unique opportunity to develop an interdisciplinary project on the sensory perception of food in relation to cognition and societal issues.
The CNRS is recruiting a tenure track in a particularly strategic area of neuroscience aimed at deciphering neural networks using disruptive approaches for the simultaneous exploration of multi-scale events during the performance of a complex task.
CNRS is recruiting an interdisciplinary chemistry-biology tenure track to develop theranostic nanoparticles based on innovative chemistry for tomorrow's healthcare applications.
High-throughput sequencing technologies have provided unprecedented access to the genetic material of numerous organisms. However, these "omic" datasets are large, heterogeneous, and multi-scale. To unlock their potential, innovative machine learning techniques are needed, and the fields of life sciences and machine-learning must join forces to innovate. In support of this interdisciplinary approach, the CNRS is offering a tenure track dedicated to this area.
Humanities and Social Sciences
The CNRS is recruiting a researcher in the humanities and social sciences to hold a tenure track dedicated to the issues associated with the proliferation of health data and the growing use of digital tools in the field of health. The Chair will focus as much on analysing this phenomenon, its scope and limits, as on health policies and practices associated with the irruption of digital tools in prevention and care policies and data in the health field.
The CNRS is recruiting a researcher in the humanities and social sciences for a tenure track dedicated to "Non-state actors, regulations and social transformations". The aim is to renew scientific inquiry into this theme, with a focus on comparative approaches, and to multiply perspectives and approaches from both a disciplinary and methodological point of view.
CNRS is recruiting a researcher in the humanities and social sciences a tenure track dedicated to knowledge of contemporary China. Research may focus on Chinese society and its internal dynamics, as well as economic, legal or political aspects. Projects may include international and geopolitical issues.
The CNRS is recruiting a researcher in the humanities and social sciences for a tenure track dedicated to energy transformation. The aim is to contribute to elaborate basic knowledge on a major global issue, which is all the more crucial to the planet's habitability in a world with limited resources. Beyond technical approaches, these transformations will be considered in their social, legal, economic, cultural and political dimensions.
The CNRS is recruiting a researcher in the humanities and social sciences to hold a tenure track dedicated to the analysis of intangible forms of heritage, which now occupy a central place, and to the exploration of the practices - transmission, patrimonalisation - associated with it. This chair will also focus on sustainable development issues, helping to support research on the planet's habitability. It will provide crucial knowledge for local, national and international cultural policies.
The CNRS is recruiting a researcher in the humanities and social sciences for a tenure track dedicated to comparative cognition, in the area of language evolution and communication. The chair aims to examine one of the fundamental capacities of the human mind, language, in light of non-human communication systems and their properties, and to situate it in the long history of organisms and their interactions, the evolution of the brain and cognition.
The topics of the chair are the development of new micro-nano-technologies and 2D hybrid heterostructures in quantum materials engineering and neuromorphic platforms for applications in high-speed communications, digital computing (complex and/or energy-efficient), quantum computers, sensors, biosensors, multielectrode arrays or even neural prostheses.
The topics of the chair are the mechanics and physics of fluids, neutral or reactive, structures, materials, plasmas, combustion, in the fields of aeronautics and aerospace, for research developed consistently with the challenges of sustainability of air transportation and space conquest.
The CNRS is recruiting a high level experienced researcher to promote advanced developments in the field of biomedical imaging, covering instrumentation, image acquisition, reconstruction, analysis and modelling, in order to develop quantitative, sensitive, specific and validated biomarkers of physiologic and pathologic processes.
CNRS is recruiting a researcher working on frugality in materials by design, i.e. on reducing the impact of the manufacture and/or use of materials on the environment and/or CO2 emissions.
Computer Science
Cybersecurity is a critical need for all systems today for both the hardware and software layers. There are information leaks and faulty attacks that use components without requiring physical access to them. These new families of attacks, at the interface between software and hardware, are probably one of the most significant - and perhaps least anticipated - threats of the decade. To tackle this challenge, the CNRS is proposing a tenure track.
The eco-responsible dimension is now a strong priority in most scientific disciplines, and informatics is particularly concerned. For instance, topics such as wireless and wired networks, hardware architectures, cloud computing, sensors and embedded systems, artificial intelligence, software sciences, and high-performance computing are all impacted. The challenge is to design efficient technological solutions while ensuring a moderate environmental impact, leading to a paradigm shift. In response to this challenge, the CNRS (French National Centre for Scientific Research) is offering a tenure track.
The analysis of heterogeneous, massive, and complex health data generate new challenges in computer sciences. These challenges require innovative research in data management, natural language processing, dynamic modeling, statistical and deep learning, artificial intelligence, etc. Such research must take into account the expectations of users, including patients, healthcare providers, and caregivers. To tackle this challenge, the CNRS is proposing a tenure track.
Unique opportunity to develop a scientific project covering all aspects related to telecommunications and networks. This includes aspects related to detection, estimation, and coding/decoding in communications, including Bayesian approaches, machine learning, and neural networks. On the networking side, it encompasses the design, analysis, and evaluation of algorithms and architectures using experimental platforms and optimization tools for performance evaluation. Research on future communication systems and their energy consumption/eco-responsibility (Low Digital Footprint) is a priority of the scientific project.
The general objective of this project is to strengthen CNRS activities in the field of robotics, control engineering, and AI for autonomous systems interacting with humans, with two main research axes: (1) developing new control approaches and architectures for autonomous vehicles, and (2) learning driving situations to adapt to driver preferences and constraints. Perception and understanding of situations in open and dynamic environments, as well as managing uncertainties and vehicle integrity, are major challenges addressed in this project, aimed at consolidating excellence laboratories in the field.
This Chair is part of the "Digital & Health" topic. Research on health, and more specifically oncology, is one of the main domains which are deeply modified by informatics. How can we better detect certain tumors? Can we predict their evolution or response to treatment? How to elaborate politics and recommendations to improve the quality of life of patients during treatments? This chair focuses on simulation models that, unlike learning algorithms, have a considerable advantage : they are reliable and explainable.
Earth and Universe
CNRS is recruiting an accomplished data scientist for the exploitation of the Euclid or Gaia space mission. With a major contribution to the exploitation of either of these two missions, the candidate will have to propose an ambitious program in the field of understanding the origin of the Universe, the formation of galaxies or the structure of our Galaxy.
The CNRS is recruiting a high-level, experienced tenure track (M/F) in seismology. The successful candidate will be a driving force in the development of new approaches for the acquisition and exploitation of seismological data, in particular by valorizing those coming from the national observation services and national instrument parks. He/she will aim at better understanding the physico-chemical processes that govern the Earth dynamics. The candidate will strongly contribute to the animation of the national community, in particular through the research infrastructure EPOS-France and the animation tools of the EOST (Strasbourg), IPG-Paris, OSUG (Grenoble), OCA (Nice) or EOST (Strasbourg) observatories.
CNRS is recruiting an accomplished specialist in the development of instrumental and experimental approaches to better understanding the deep marine environment, including at the interface with the lithosphere. With a major contribution to one or more of the following themes: dynamics, biogeochemical processes, anthropogenic impacts and feedbacks on ecosystems, the candidate is expected to propose an ambitious program of exploration and/or observation, mainly using remotely operated and autonomous deep-sea vehicles.
The CNRS is recruiting an accomplished specialist in the analysis of observations acquired as part of National Observation Services to monitor and understand the mechanisms of ocean circulation and marine biogeochemistry on sub-seasonal to climatic timescales. With a major contribution to one or more of the following themes: thermohaline circulation, biological carbon pump, stocks and fluxes of biogenic elements, evolution of oxygen minimum zones, marine heat waves, the candidate will have to propose an ambitious program for the study of the long-term evolution of the variability of ocean dynamics and/or biogeochemistry in the open ocean, whether in the global ocean or considering in particular zones of interest such as the polar or tropical regions.
The CNRS is recruiting a senior researcher (M/F) whose transdisciplinary project will cross disciplines, methodologies and approaches to (1) understand the modifications and responses of environments and socio-ecosystems to global changes and growing inequalities, (2) observe and analyze transition policies (adaptation and/or mitigation), as well as the human, social, political and environmental consequences. This strategy will enable us to prioritize the physical, biogeochemical and social mechanisms at work, and then make proposals to decision-makers.
Stages of recruitment
01Registration opensFebruary 14, 2024
02Registration deadlineMarch 20, 2024 at 23:59
03Pre-selection of applications by a selection committeeexamines the applications and selects the candidates it wishes to interview
Mid-April to mid-June 2024 -
04Hearings of successful candidatesat the pre-selection stage by the selection committee
Early May to mid-July 2024 -
05ResultsEnd of July 2024
Terms & conditions
Application procedure
Create your Job Portal account
Your application file will consist of a single PDF document including :
- The completed application form
- Doctorate diploma or all documents required to apply for equivalence
- Photo ID
- A possible request to arrange a hearing
All applications incomplete by the closing date will be rejected.
Application requirements
1 - Hold one of the following diplomas:
- PhD
- state doctorate or post-graduate degree
- doctor of engineering degree
- diploma of studies and research in odontological sciences (DERSO)
- diploma of study and research in human biology (DERBH)
2 - Hold a foreign university degree deemed equivalent to the above-mentioned diplomas.
For foreign diplomas, a French translation must be provided by a sworn translator, or a certificate of comparability can be obtained from ENIC-NARIC:
3 - Proof of scientific qualifications and work deemed equivalent to the above-mentioned diplomas
If you do not hold a doctorate (because you have not yet defended your thesis, or you do not have an equivalent degree but can provide evidence of scientific work, etc.), or if you hold a foreign degree, you may nevertheless be eligible after receiving the opinion of the competent evaluation body of the Comité national de la recherche scientifique, which will rule on the equivalence of your scientific work.
Test adjustments
If you have a permanent disability and qualify as a disabled worker, or if you are a beneficiary of France's "obligation d'emploi" scheme, you may benefit from special arrangements for your audition.
You must request accommodations when you register at the following address
Your request will be considered on production of proof that you fall into one of the above categories, and of a medical certificate specifying the accommodation you require, completed by an approved doctor appointed by the authorities. These accommodations are not granted automatically, but depend on the nature of your disability. In particular, they enable us to adapt the duration and splitting of tests to your physical capabilities, or to provide you with the necessary human and technical aids. In the event that your disability or state of health changes between the date of your request for accommodations and the date on which the tests take place, you will need to provide additional documents within the timeframe required to enable them to be taken into account.
For candidates from overseas or living abroad, pregnant candidates and candidates whose state of health justifies it, the audition is organized by videoconference on request at the time of registration. Contact the Competitions Department at the following address:
Useful links
This recruitment scheme is in line with the French Research Programming Act
The terms and conditions of this recruitment are governed by Decree no. 2021-1710 of December 17, 2021, as amended, relating to the tenure track contract
Order of February 22, 2022 setting the application procedures for recruitments under tenure track contracts
Order of February 23, 2024 setting the list of junior professorship contracts for the year 2024