Describe and analyze the world of the "living" from works that embrace very broad scales of time and dimensions
Whether it's basic or applied research, here is an overview of the jobs you can do at CNRS.
Describe and analyze the world of the "living" from works that embrace very broad scales of time and dimensions
The art of assembling atoms to create the molecules and materials of tomorrow
Responding to global issues, whether related to climate change or human activities
Describe, analyze and understand human beings in society on various time and space scales
Responding to major socio-economic issues through work on the design, optimization and recycling of complex objects and systems
Develop and coordinate research in the various branches of mathematics, from fundamental aspects to applications
To carry out the largest experiments in physics of the two infinites: the infinitely large with the study of cosmology and astroparticles and the infinitely small, with nuclear physics and the physics of elementary particles
Combining experiment, theory and modeling on a very wide field of application, from elementary particles to cosmology, through the sciences of matter and waves
At the heart of contemporary digital mutations to accompany the advent of the digital society that disrupts our way of working, communicating, producing and creating
To respond to today's major scientific challenges of the Universe and the Earth through research in Earth sciences, continental surfaces and interfaces, the ocean, the atmosphere and astronomy and astrophysics
To respond to today's major scientific challenges of the Universe and the Earth through research in Earth sciences, continental surfaces and interfaces, the ocean, the atmosphere and astronomy and astrophysics