Frequently Asked Questions

Click here for answers to questions about the competition.

Application management
and administrative documents

How do I attach notices from VIPs to my file?

The link where to deposit them is specified in the candidate's guide.

NB: No acknowledgement of receipt is sent, but the page itself indicates "File uploaded successfully".

Letters of support from laboratories can be attached directly to your application as additional documents.

Do personality opinions have to be written in French?

Scientific opinions on the research project may be submitted in French or English, without preference.

Can I specify a URL for a file transfer site?

You can use URLs associated with a file deposit/transfer site, provided that the file remains available for 6 months.

Is the translation of my diploma still valid?

If the translation of your diploma complies with the principles specified in the Candidate's Guide, it remains valid regardless of when it was completed.

I wish to modify or submit my application after the campaign closing time.

The deadline for entries is January 10, 2025 at 1 p.m. (French time).
No modification or transmission is possible after this date/time.

Acknowledgement of receipt,
communication and notifications

I haven't received an acknowledgement of receipt by e-mail. Is this normal?

The online application does not send acknowledgements of receipt by e-mail. Once your application has been submitted, the "Acknowledgement of receipt" tab allows you to download acknowledgements of receipt and application files for each competition you have applied for.

If this tab is visible, your application has been sent.

Where can I find my SIRHUS number?

Your SIRHUS registration number appears on your CNRS payslip, under the heading "N° MATRICULE".
If it is displayed with less than 8 digits, you can prefix it with as many zeros as necessary to reach 8 characters. Example for 123456: enter 00123456.

My SIRHUS number does not have 8 digits.

If your SIRHUS personnel number has fewer than 8 digits, you can prefix it with as many zeros as necessary to reach the 8 characters. Example for 123456: enter 00123456.

Competitions and auditions

Will the hearings be held face-to-face or by video?

Auditions will be held in person.

As indicated in the candidate's guide on page 11, an audition can be organized by videoconference (ZOOM) on request for the following situations:

  • candidates residing abroad or in overseas territories
  • candidates with disabilities,
  • pregnant candidates
  • candidates whose state of health prevents them from taking part (subject to providing medical proof)


What language are the auditions held in?

As indicated in the Candidate's Guide, the tests are conducted in French.

However, they may be partly conducted in English, in accordance with the conditions set by the jury.

These terms and conditions will be specified on your invitation.

What time is my audition?

As indicated in the Candidate's Guide, timetables are communicated to candidates on the personal invitations sent by post.

If you have entered a postal address outside France, you will also receive your invitation electronically.

It is your responsibility to ensure that your mailbox allows addresses via its settings.

Don't forget to notify us of any change of address, telephone number or e-mail address, by sending an e-mail to


When will results / schedules / juries be announced for my competition?

Audition calendar: Audition calendar-2025 v2

List of successful candidates: List of successful candidates - CRCN and List of successful candidates - DR2

List of candidates admitted to continue: Liste des candidats admis à poursuivre - CRCN 18/02/2025 and Liste des candidats admis à poursuivre-DR2 18/02/2025


As indicated in the Candidate's Guide, the events site( allows you to consult all the information concerning results (at the different phases of the campaign), schedules and juries for your competition.

If this information is not published on this site, it is because it is not officially available. We invite you to wait until they are published.

As I am already a DR2 at CNRS, I would like to apply for a DR1 promotion.

Promotion to the grade of DR1 does not go through the researcher competition procedure.
Further information is available on the CNRS intranet: https: //

As I am already a CRCN at CNRS, I would like to apply for a CRHC promotion.

Promotion to the rank of HRCC does not go through the researcher competition procedure.
Further information is available on the CNRS intranet: https: //

Is there a limit to the number of times a candidate can be nominated?

As indicated in the Applicants' Guide, there is no limit to the number of applications on a single form. However, it is advisable to apply to sections/CIDs in or close to your research field.

On-line data entry and validation

I'd like to enter different publications for the different competitions I'm applying for.

The "Choice of publications" section is not mandatory. We therefore advise you to use the "Additional parts" section, which allows you to link your publications to a given competition.

Although my text respects the x-line limit, I can't validate my entry in the "Summary" field of the "Research programs" block.

Here are the details of the control performed on this field:

  • Every 100 characters, the system inserts a line feed.
  • If line breaks are already present, they remain.
  • This total +1 (current line) is counted to give the number of lines entered.

If the number found is greater than the number defined as the limit (x here), an error message is displayed.
This corresponds to around 1,200 characters, modulo line breaks, spaces and any UTF8 characters that count double (certain accents, for example).
We therefore invite you to adapt your input to respect these counts, and are at your disposal to help you if necessary.

NB: The main part of the research program should be shown in the attached document on the same screen.

How do I enter my assignment requests?

As indicated in the Candidate's Guide, the number of assignment wishes is left to the discretion of candidates, depending on their research project(s) and the number of laboratories in which the project(s) may be involved. In this context, if the research project permits, it is recommended to formulate at least 2 assignment requests, in the "Reminder of the title of the CNRS laboratory(ies) in which your activity could take place" field of the "Research programs" screen.

The document I want to upload exceeds the size limit.

Maximum authorized sizes have been increased over the last few campaigns. If that's not enough, you can :

  • Encourage the use of URLs when available
  • Send documents by post (on CD/DVD/USB key)
  • Add documents from the "Additional documents" screen

For documents attached to your application (e.g. dissertations, articles, videos, etc.), you can use HAL for text documents and MEDIHAL for visual and sound data (still images, videos and sounds) produced as part of scientific research. A unique link is created for each submission. All you have to do is indicate it in your application.

Diplomas, equivalences and supporting documents

Can a diploma certificate replace a diploma?

As indicated in the Candidate's Guide, any document stamped and signed by the Doctoral School can be added to the application as supporting documents (proof of deposit, attestation, PV de soutenance, etc.).
Once you have received the final document, please send it to

My diploma is not in French. Do I need to have it translated to apply? (I'm not a CNRS graduate)

To follow up your application, and as specified in the Candidate's Guide, you must have your foreign diploma translated into French by a sworn translator, or obtain an attestation of comparability, which can be obtained from ENIC-NARIC: https: //

These attestations are recognized by equivalence commissions and can also be used for other civil service competitive examinations.

For further information, here is a link to the national list of experts approved by the Cour de cassation, for translation of diplomas: https: //

NB: if you are currently abroad, you can contact the nearest French embassy or consulate for a list of approved translators.

However, if you are unable to obtain this translation or certificate of comparability before the closing date, you may enclose :

  • Or a copy of the request you sent to ENIC-NARIC or one of the approved experts,
  • A sworn statement that you have submitted a translation request or will submit one before the application deadline.

On receipt, send the translation or certificate of comparability to the Recruitment and Integration Department(, which will update your file even after the closing date.
Please note that this action will not affect your application.

Finally, we advise you not to wait until January 10 to validate it in the application.

My diploma is not in French. Do I need to have it translated to apply?
(I am a CNRS graduate)

As a CNRS agent, you don't need to translate your foreign diploma. However, you will still need to submit it twice (copy of diploma + French translation of foreign diploma) to validate the field.

Please note that this action will not affect your application. Finally, we advise you not to wait until January 10 to validate it in the application.

My diploma is written in French and obtained abroad

If your diploma is written in French, you don't need to have it translated.

In the form you will need :

  • indicate "foreign diploma" and
  • submit it twice: copy of diploma + French translation of foreign diploma to validate the field.
I haven't received my HdR yet. What document should I add to my application?

As indicated in the Candidate's Guide, any document stamped and signed by the Doctoral School can be added to the application as proof (proof of deposit, attestation, PV de soutenance, etc.).
Once you have received the final document, please contact the Recruitment and Integration Department( to update your file.

NB: The document must be added to validate the block only if "supported on" is selected in the drop-down list.

Is it possible to provide certain attachments in English?

If it's your research program, CV, articles or thesis, you can submit these documents in English.

Only your diploma, if obtained in a non-French-speaking country, will need to be translated, as indicated in the Candidate's Guide.

Recurring problems with information or documents already supplied

Can I retrieve my application file (and attachments) from a previous campaign?

No, application files are deleted from one year to the next.

I've already entered my file and its PJs in a previous campaign, why do I have to do it again?

As each campaign is unique and annual, it is your responsibility to re-enter all the information. This update also makes it easier for the jury to assess your file.

I am already a CNRS researcher, why do I have to provide information or documents again?

As each campaign is unique and annual, it is your responsibility to re-enter all the information. This update also makes it easier for the jury to assess your file.

Specific and personalized questions

Due to a disability, I would need to be accommodated.

As indicated in the Applicant's Guide, you can request accommodations directly in your application file, attaching supporting documents.

NB: information about your disability is not passed on to the jury; it is only consulted by the administration in preparation for the tests.

How do I calculate my years of research experience?

To calculate years of seniority, please consult the Candidate's Guide.

Here you'll find the elements taken into account in the calculation.

Any question about the collection and/or use of personal data

If you have any questions about the protection of personal data, please consult the Applicant's Guide.

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External competitions for researchers (M/F)

See page