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Discover a non-exhaustive list of the different possible jobs in biology.

Researcher (M/F) in cell and developmental biology

How do organisms as complex as humans develop from fertilized eggs? This question has fascinated mankind for millennia. By studying how genes are expressed, how cells interact, and how they move in developing embryos, researchers are beginning to understand the rules that govern this amazing process. These advances are also helping us to understand how these processes go awry and lead to disease.

Researcher (M/F) in photosynthetic organisms and associated microorganisms

Terrestrial and aquatic photosynthetic organisms are a central component affecting how our ecosystems function. As carbon sinks, they are for many the basis of human and animal nutrition and offer an immense potential source of energy, bioactive molecules, and biomaterials. Revealing their diversity and complexity, deciphering their underlying mechanisms, and understanding their life cycles, physiology, marvelous plasticity, and adaptability to the environment are some of the puzzles researchers are seeking to solve.

Researcher (M/F) in pharmacology, health technologies, biomedical imaging

Discovering new therapeutic targets, innovative therapies and new diagnostic and prognostic tools is a challenge that brings together researchers who work with an interdisciplinary approach. In support of this research, fundamental knowledge in biology, imaging, and engineering is used in implementing sophisticated experimental models that illuminate the molecular and functional diversity of various pathologies and thus help researchers adapt the corresponding therapies.

Researcher (M/F) in genomics and genetics

Living beings require information for the purpose self-replication. This information is stored in their DNA. Doing research in genomics and genetics means decoding this information, understanding how it is written and how it is read by cell. It also means exploring the mechanisms and the multiple steps that, using the same basic molecules, enable the transformation from bacteria to complex organisms and to man. And finally, it means identifying and seeking to correct the mutations that cause human diseases.

Researcher (F/H) in neuroscience and cognition

Research in neuroscience and cognition looks at how the nervous system and brain function at their different levels of complexity (molecules, cells, neural networks, including their architectures and the calculations performed). The aim is to decipher the mechanisms involved in the regulation of physiology, the control of movements, and all the cognitive faculties such as attention, memory, decision making, communication, representations of the external world constructed from sensory information, consciousness, and more.