Each year, the CNRS medals are awarded to researchers and staff who make an outstanding contribution to the dynamism and reputation of the institution. Discover the work of the "Structures, Nano- and Micro-Structures" (SNMS) team, winner of the collective crystal in 2020. The collective crystal rewards teams of women and men, research support staff for their innovative or remarkable collective project.
Discover the work of the team " Structures Nano- et Micro- Structures du Laboratoire MatéIS - CLyM ".
In order to meet the contemporary challenges of advanced materials engineering, such as custom-made, architecturally engineered, bio-inspired or gradient materials, the Structures, Nano- and Micro-Structures (SNMS) team is dedicated, within the MatéIS laboratory, to the development of complex microscopy techniques in order to study materials at the finest scales.
Thanks to its constant investment, the team has been responsible for the installation, maintenance and training of users of advanced equipment for many years. Through its expertise and its complementarity, it contributes to the progress of knowledge, but also of characterization methods and tools, by providing researchers with daily support and assistance.
Its ambition: to push back the experimental limits in electron microscopy to serve modern research in materials science.
The laureates of the collective crystal and members of the team " Structures Nano- et Micro- Structures du Laboratoire MatéIS - CLyM " :
- Thierry Douillard, engineer in advanced microscopy and materials science - Materials: Engineering and Science Laboratory (MatéIS) - Rhône Auvergne Delegation - Institute of Engineering and Systems Sciences (INSIS)
- Bérangère Lesaint, in charge of sample preparation for electron microscopy - Materials: Engineering and Science Laboratory (MatéIS) - Rhône Auvergne Delegation - Institute of Engineering Sciences and Systems (INSIS)
- Annie Malchère, electron microscopy engineer specialized in in situ scanning microscopy - Materials / Engineering and Science Laboratory (MatéIS) - Rhône Auvergne Delegation - Institute of Engineering and Systems Sciences (INSIS)